Our Beliefs guide us in all decision-making,
inform our actions, and shape our culture.

Our Beliefs

We believe the physician-patient relationship necessitates physician autonomy to freely make decisions solely in the best interest of our patients’ well-being; and with this need for autonomy comes the responsibility for physicians to reclaim medicine and lead the evolving healthcare system.

We believe the primary care-patient relationship is the foundation of good health, and patients look to their primary care physician to advocate and help them make decisions as to how stay well, and what medical treatments to undergo when sick.

We believe patients deserve individualized, high-touch, caring healthcare that encompasses the whole person, not just their symptoms or diseases.

We believe physicians need an organized “voice” and a platform to represent the needs of private practice and the patients they serve.

We believe primary care doctors and specialists are colleagues, and should collaborate and coordinate care, always working in the best interest of the patient.

We believe in evidence based medicine, patient-centered care, and accountability. We continually strive to provide increased quality of care, improved patient experience, and decreased cost of care.

We believe in the joy of practicing medicine and caring for our patients.
